Alasdair Iain Mackenzie

- Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- August 12, 2020
An ambitious, focused and highly motivated Facilities and Logistics Senior Manager with a proven track record combining excellent communication, security and people skills with a unique ability to multitask in demanding environments. Can be relied upon to analyse an issue, identify a way forward and then quickly deliver a successful outcome. Always consistently meticulous and tireless in effort. Applying over 31 years of experience gained in a successful military career allowing highly reliable management and professional oversight across large Facilities, Health and Safety, Logistics, and Security.
• PG Diploma (Level 7) in Strategic Management and Leadership
• PADI Dive Master
• Emergency First Responder
• ECDL ITQ level 1&2
• Membership Award in Leadership and Management by City & Guilds of London
• OHSAS/ISO 9001,trained
• Lean Six Sigma-Green Belt (ILM Level 5)
• NEBOSH National Certificate - Occupational Health & Safety (Level 3)
• RQMS course – (Level 4 FM) equivalant
Consultation and instruction into Facilities, Logistics and Security Operations at Zayed the Second Military College (ZMC).Army Officer Academy
• Produced detailed risk assessments for live firing, battle Sims inoculation, hot weather serials involving strenuous physical activity in combat body armour and helmets. Promoting a safe systems of work around training area estates, stores, armouries and vehicles.
• A leading contributor in the (Navy, Army, Air Force) officer colleges in the preparation and implementation of their internal security packages. This includes proficiency in crowd control/riot situations, terrorist activity in a counter insurgency environment, and internal security situations on base and private estate locations.
• Led an experienced team of local and expat military instructors ensuring cross cultural integration in facilities management planning, health & safety matters across the site, whilst striving to meet critical program timelines. Producing over 3000 high calibre young and enthusiastic officers.
• Coached local officers ranging in rank and seniority into competent leaders exhibiting the ability to instruct and command in a fast moving, ever-changing military logistics and training establishment.
Selected for Officer Commission to provide advice to recruiting teams, senior supervisors, and employees on regimental recruiting issues, whilst managing the estate assets and financial budget assigned to the role.
• Managed a successful recruiting team in enlisting suitable candidates for army service across Scotland and northern England, achieving 60% surge of applicants.
• Ensured facilities, equipment, and vehicle fleet were fully maintained and conformed to compliancy laws and safety regulations, maintaining a 100% accident/Incident free working environment.
• Produced risk assessments for team vehicles, recruiting display caravans, along with developing best practises for interaction of the general public with high spec military equipment.
• Enhanced programme formulating and evaluating, report/assessment writing, and instruction of all courses conducted by the team which exceeded targets set by senior management for two years running.
Awarded sixth-level promotion and specially selected to lead, develop and mentor a large and diverse management institution (Sergeants Mess) of nearly 200 members. As the senior soldier, provided expert advice to the Commanding Officer (CEO) on discipline, Promoting safe working practices, security and career development of approximately 600 soldiers whilst serving in UK and Afghanistan over a 24-month period.
• Implemented and reinforced moral courage and discipline under extreme fatigue by supporting the battlegroup through emotional strain, loss of life, and separation from their families and society over a six month period of operations in Afghanistan.
• Project managed a detailed three-month training program and prepared 800 soldiers for the key public event, Trooping the Colour, performed for HM the Queen.
• Facilitated the logistical move and led the implementation of an emergency plan to move 300 soldiers from their home base in the North of England, ensuring all life support systems were in place to allow their participation in preparing for Trooping the Colour.
• Answerable for a large financial account, as Treasurer and President of the Sergeants Mess. I was praised by high ranking and senior officers for orchestrating the best entertainment events seen in 10 years.
Dynamically led specific projects in UK, Germany and Iraq. The primary point of contact for deliveries, risk management, and the Compliance of Health and Safety at Work to team and department members. Responsible for service level agreements and task performance against deadlines as well as identifying appropriate contingency planning and risk assessments
• Coordinated the movement of equipment, worth GBP 30 million by air and sea to and from operations in Iraq. Was responsible for meeting critical timelines imposed by the operational tempo of units deploying and extracting from Iraq.
• Identified a maintenance servicing failure by conducting gap analysis process. Implemented an improved system for logging vehicle torque wrench calibration for all Battle Group armoured vehicles, which was awarded a best practise and instigated across the Brigade, reducing potential workshop accidents by 20%.
• Devised and led redeployment by air of 18 heavily laden armoured fighting vehicles from Iraq to Afghanistan. Implemented control measures to meet the timelines for aviation, mechanical and armour testing whilst ensuring the supply chain for the remaining armoured fleet of 800 Soldiers and 80 vehicles remained at 95% effectiveness.
• Conducted the handover of a large established military barracks, home to around 800 personnel. Formulated a detailed programme with key milestones, guiding six account managers and their teams to ensure all stores, specialized equipment and accommodation in the region of GBP 50 million, was handled within budget and saw me smash the deadlines set by the chain of command.