Kishor Duwal
- Everett, MA
- November 28, 2018
Cyber Security Analyst (CySA+) and Security+ Certified with over four years of military leadership experience in a fast-paced environment.
Accomplished measurable results while executing critical support operations to the US military personnel both within states and overseas.
Proven record of knowledge and experience in evaluating network vulnerability, analyzing output and recommending solutions.
Courses Taken:
Relational Database System
IT Project Management
Network and Internet Security
Cryptology and Data Protection
Computer Forensics
Identified, Analyzed and Provided recommendations to fix the
vulnerabilities in a network by using the vulnerability scanner
like Tenable Nessus.
Wide knowledge of vulnerability scanning tools, penetration
testing concept, information security concept, cyber-incident
response and policy compliance (NIST, FISMA).
Supervised 200+ military personnel and civilian employees;
created a tracking spreadsheet that created an overall savings
of $75k in potential loss equipment.
Analyzed equipment shortages in the organization needed to
carry out the mission; suggested alternative plan to senior
executive and senior advisor, resulting in $9,000 budgetary
Successfully briefed and trained 2,000+ military and civilian
personal in accordance with the organization s training and
compliance guidelines.
Maintained the accountability of the assigned equipment
worth $1.4 million with zero loss and damage.